The Writing Center is an expanding tutoring program that is reaching out to the FC student body to help improve writing skills and communication.
“We can help [with writing] in any discipline. I’m really excited,” Writing Center tutor Rose Phipps (12) said.
Located in English teacher and Writing Center director Elizabeth Cymerman’s classroom, T29, the Writing Center is a hospitable and supportive place for any student with writing tutoring needs and more.
Some students struggle to find a safe and welcoming environment when it comes to asking for help, and it can be fairly intimidating, but the Writing Center has ways to help solve this issue.
“I believe the Writing Center has a positive and friendly environment. We are open to people’s opinions and suggestions. Listening to students’ opinions and ideas is very important to keep a healthy environment and improve the Writing Center overall,” Writing Center tutor Niki Zhong (11) said.
For some students who struggle with writing, asking a teacher for help can be stressful; It can be easier to get help from peers.
“People are more comfortable when they’re talking to people their age,” tutor McKenna Cobb (11) said. “The Writing Center is a really good resource for people who struggle to come up with ideas and have trouble figuring out how to order things.”
The Writing Center strives to aid students and hopes to change their perspectives on writing and help them be appreciative of their work.
“Writing is very personal sometimes and it’s sometimes embarrassing to open up fully in your writing, ” Ava Truelove (12) said.
One issue that arises when it comes to language tutoring and writing is language barriers. According to migrationpolicy.org, approximately 1.36 million people in Virginia use non-English languages at home. This means that communication between student and tutor could get a bit complicated; however, this isn’t quite the case for the Writing Center.
“We have bilingual and multilingual people in the Writing Center, meaning we can help break that language barrier,” said Zhong.
The Writing Center has two modes of help. First, students can sign up to come during Advisory to get help with individual work. Second, there is a new program where the students of Advanced Composition-the elective that is the base of the Writing Center- push into classes to help with a specific assignment requested by the teacher.
“If you want to enter the Writing Center during 2nd and 3rd period, which is available, you have to work with your teacher to do that but if you want to come during Advisory [there is] a flier in every room [with] a QR code that you can just scan with your phone and sign up for an appointment with the Writing Center,” Phipps said.
The writing doesn’t just do your work for you but helps you brainstorm ideas for your work, allowing you to learn and sharpen your writing skills.
“I’m not here to do this paper for you, I’m here to help you complete this assignment and become a better writer in the process,” Phipps said.
The Writing Center is there to help even when tutees aren’t as enthusiastic about writing; it’s a program where they want to make your writing better. The Writing Center strives to aid students, and they hope to change students’ perspective on writing.
“In the Writing Center our job isn’t just being an editor. We’re not just fixing grammar mistakes, it’s a foundation of learning,” Liza Plis (11) said.