Pep Rally Brings Excitement For End of the Year
May 12, 2015
This year’s Spring Pep Rally was one to remember for its dance moves, pie facials, and its surprise appearances. The event was held outdoors as it usually is for the Spring, and it was a nice sunny day for the students and faculty to enjoy.
The Rally began as the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes filed into their respective sections of the bleachers. The MC’s Cintia Samaha (11) and Kendra Stansel (12) welcomed the classes and then announced out the seniors who ran through the tunnel used for football, and on to the bleachers.
Then out came the Podsters who got a standing ovation as they came down the track. The MC’s proceeded to ask the crowd if any of them have been to a Nationals game before. They then welcomed the Abraham Lincoln mascot who participates in the President’s Race at every Nationals home game. Along with Abraham Lincoln, out came the Jaguar mascot who was to race Abraham Lincoln around the track. The two opponents took their marks at the starting line and after a countdown they were off to the races. Abraham Lincoln led for most of the race but the Jaguar made picked up the pace around the last turn and beat Abraham Lincoln in an exciting finish. The MC’s ran over to the Jaguar and congratulated him on his amazing race, and then asked him how he felt to beat Abraham Lincoln. Then, after catching his breath, the Jaguar took off his mask and it was Mr. Yohe! Mr. Yohe took the mic and talked about his impressive victory, but was cut off short when Abraham Lincoln got his revenge by pieing Mr. Yohe in the face.

The next highlight was the balloon popping event in which each pair of boy and one girl spring team captains had to pop a balloon using only their body. They had to pop one standing up, one with the boy sitting in the chair, and one with the boy laying down. The crowd enjoyed seeing awkward positions that each contestant used to pop the balloon. The winner was the pair of Michael Bruning (12) and Kate Maines (12).
The final event was the dance off where two participants from each class, one boy and one girl, would dance to a mix of songs. The freshman participants were Kimberly Roxbrough and Bryan Giron, from the sophomores there was Stephen Roxbrough and Janelle Sanchez, from the Juniors Jordan Stewart and Jennifer Pak, and from the Seniors Scott Roxbrough and Linda Maldonado. The contestants danced for a couple of minutes to the played songs, but in the end the Junior class came out victorious.
As always the Pep Rally brought excitement to the school and was a great way to get students and teachers excited for the end of the year.