Roger Goodell (NFL Commissioner) is bad for the NFL and needs to be gone

Numaan Qureshi, Staff Writer

Still popular in today’s sports media is the ongoing concussion issues with the NFL and how they handle it. Jeff Miller, vice president for health and safety has said there is a link between CTE and playing the game of football. Roger Goodell and NFL owners have tried to ignore and try their best to refute his statements. Owner of the Cowboys Jerry Jones has said his state

NFL Commissioner
NFL Commissioner

ments were absurd and Colts owner Jim Irsay says the risk of playing football is similar to the risk of taking an aspirin. Both extremely oblivious to the facts and past brain trauma to retired NFL players. Past players who sustained multiple concussions lives were never the same. Meril Hoge had to retire and for a while couldn’t recognize his own brother and wife. As of recent, safety Husain Abdullah retires after having his fifth concussion, at age 30. An investigation has showed the NFL mishandling their concussion research, omitting over 100 concussions.
The NFL still ignores the dangers and has in the past intervened in past studies. Players at a young continue to retire, all under Roger Goodell. Documents in court also show a third of retired football players will develop a long term cognitive disease. From the mishandling of the Ray Rice case in the beginning, letting Greg Hardy sign with the Cowboys after his domestic violence case, all signs point to Roger Goodell being the wrong guy to be the commissioner of the league. Roger Goodell’s salary revealed to be $34.1 million, after a series of crisis it just doesn’t make any sense. The NFL has hinted in statements to a possible lawsuit against the New York Times for revealing how they have handled concussions.

After all this, Roger Goodell will be awarded the Sports Healthy, Safety and Research Award. How can he not feel shameful accepting this award when he has literally done the exact opposite? The facts and cases speak for themselves; Roger Goodell should not be the NFL commissioner.