FCHS Drama Dept. to Present The Children’s Hour

(Photo courtesy of FCHS Theater Arts)
May 6, 2016
The Children’s Hour will be this year’s spring production, here at the Falls Church High School Spratley Auditorium. The Children’s Hour is not only based on a true story at a school in Scotland, but it is also a compelling story with a mature content that takes place in 1939 with two boarding school owners, Karen Wright and Martha Dobie. The plot revolves around the fact that Martha and Karen find themselves in the middle of a nasty rumor, started by a girl at the boarding school named Mary Tilford, a rumor that could destroy both of their lives.
When asked why the Drama department decided to select this play for their spring production, Ms. DeMarco, the theater director, responded by saying, “This play deals with some hard themes: bullying is only one of them. Even though our society is much more open and accepting there are still those that would like to see people with different lifestyles discarded. The rumor mill is more active than ever with social media at our fingertips. When the rumor in this play whispers that the two women are having a lesbian affair, the results are devastating.”
Discussing the production process of the play, Ms. DeMarco said, “This process has just been amazing. We’re dealing with some very tough themes and delving into our characters. The actors in this production are so committed, most came to the first rehearsal with their lines already memorized! We have so much talent in this department and, as always, I’m very pleased to be directing such motivated students.” Stars of the play include Maddie Rumingan (10), Trisha Nguyen (10), Jennifer Vu (9), Julia Sands (10), Grace Molinaro (9), Keely Greene (12), and Josh Spiegelblatt (12), along with many other supporting members.
The Children’s Hour will be performed on May 5, 6, and 7 at 7 p.m. On May 6, it will be CAPPIES night, where fifty to sixty students will be coming from around the county to watch and critique the show. Tickets are $5.00 in advance, but tickets can also be bought at the door for $10.00. Advanced ticket sales end May 3. The Children’s Hour is sure to be a great show so come on out, don’t miss it!