How to Make the Most of the End of the School Year
May 12, 2017
It’s that time again: the weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and students and teachers alike are looking forward to summer vacation. During this time of year, it’s important to make sure these last few weeks really count, especially if you’re a senior.
Make sure you don’t miss prom! Even if you don’t have a date, go with your best friends to still have fun. Talk to everyone in your classes if you haven’t. Submit something you’re proud of to the Jagazine. Check out any clubs you’re interested in.
Be grateful. This is a crucial time for us to notice the acknowledgements we receive from the people around us. Show your gratitude by thanking your teachers and friends who have helped you grow as a person during the past year. Make a reflection. Think about your goals, track your progress, and celebrate success. Reflecting will help prepare you for the next school year.
Don’t put off responsibilities. Students often contract “summer fever” when this time of year comes around and begin to slack off and lose interest in school work. It may help to remind yourself of all the hard work you’ve put in this year. One bad performance on a final test or project could undo all of your efforts of achieving the grade you want. Do what you need to do when you need to do it, and you will be well on your way to finishing strong. Get motivated. Whether you have to bribe yourself with rewards or create penalties for when you don’t try your best, do whatever it takes to stay motivated and beat “summer fever”. Visualize your finish line and your goals and focus on them. Start a countdown and don’t worry- the end is near!