Girls To Be Admitted Into Boy Scouts
October 19, 2017
For the first time ever, The Boy Scouts of America will no longer prohibit girls from entering the program. Last week, on Wednesday, October 11th, the Boys Scouts announced that they would be admitting girls into their Cub Scout program starting January 2018. The Packs, which are equivalent to Troops in Boy Scouts, can choose to be one or multiple genders. The individual dens, however, will just be comprised of either boys or girls. Then, In 2019, an all girls program will be created to allow young women the chance to obtain the much desired Eagle Scout rank. In a statement, the BSA said “The historic decision comes after years of receiving requests from families and girls.”
Many current and past BSA leaders and members commended such a momentous change in the program, but not everyone is as thrilled about it as they are. Many called this change too “PC” and not right. President Trump weighed in on the subject by tweeting: “Strange, I thought that’s what the Girl Scouts was for?”
The Girl Scouts were also not to happy about the change. They said: “The need for female leadership has never been clearer or more urgent than it is today – and only Girl Scouts has the expertise to give girls and young women the tools they need for success.”
There are already multiple scouting organizations that allow girls in their program like the Scouts Canada and the Venturing program. The Scouts Canada allow both girls and boys to participate in many outdoor activities and gain leadership skills. The Venturing program is part of the BSA and does a lot of the same activities as the Boy Scouts of America and Scouts Canada. Many argue that there does not need to be any gender modification to the BSA because there already programs for girls to do the same things as the Boy Scouts. An anonymous student at Falls Church said: “The Boy Scouts is a program where boys can be boys and be able to hone their leadership skills. If girls are allowed to join, then there won’t be a place for boys to be themselves and get the skills that they need grow up and become mature men.”