Club of the Month: Fellowship of Christian Athletes
December 14, 2017
This issue’s club of the month is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This club is a fun and loving group that wants to impact the school by spreading the Gospel and Word of Christianity. The members of this club are very connected and bond through their shared religion. “We’re a community of students and staff who love Jesus and want to grow to know him better.” said
Dagan Rogers (10).
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a very close and safe space to refresh your mind and connect with fellow classmates outside of school. They’re a very welcoming group that is open to anyone to join and participate in. “Honestly, this is a place where people genuinely care about you and how you’re doing. I’ve built some amazing relationships through this club,” said Constance Tucholski (10).
Not only that, but it also helps provide a sense of community amongst all the members. “We’re all here to help each other, and having a community of other believers just provides a sense of camaraderie in Christ, which is something I really appreciate,” said Raegan Middelthon (10).
Each student in FCA has found that the club has also impacted their day-to-day life. Being with a group of people that share their beliefs and support each other, has helped the students create a family-like bond. “Breakfast Club in the morning just always has a way of reassuring me that everything is going to be alright, and that Christ is watching over all of us,” said Raegan.
FCA meets every week on Friday at 7 a.m. and they also gather after school at 3 on certain days to read the Bible, then discuss what they’ve read. They also meet once on the first Tuesday of each month to participate in an event called Capernaum. In Capernaum they go to the Pod after school and play games, sing, and do a brief Bible study. Each meeting gives the members a chance to talk to other Christians about how they’ve been and to grow in their faith.
“It’s a great time to meet and connect with
fellow FCHS classmates,” said Constance.
They start out the meeting with just casual discussion amongst the students, then they take turns saying their “highs” and “lows” of the week. After, they have a group devotion based on a Bible passage, and conclude the meeting with a prayer.
This club is welcome to anyone who is interested or is curious as to what it is. Although it is Christian-based, you do not have to be Christian nor in a sport. The club is free to everyone and welcomes others with open arms.