Class of 2018: How to Say Goodbye to FCHS in Style
May 30, 2018
It’s hard saying goodbye to those that you grew with from the beginning of high school. Whether it be a favorite teacher or that one student you can’t stand, goodbyes will always be hard. On June 7, the Class of 2018 will be saying their own goodbyes at 2 pm at George Mason University’s Eagle Bank Arena. That’s right, it’s that time of year again.
With graduation so close it’s important to remember our final moments with each other. It’s also important to remember certain dates leading up to the affair. Directly after the Advanced Placement exams and the SOL’s, seniors are scheduled to take their final exams. Starting on Tuesday, May 29, seniors will take their Period 5 and 7 exams. On Wednesday, May 30 it’s Period 4 and 6 exams. Thursday, May 31 will hold Period 1 and 3 exams. And on Friday, June 1 the remaining Period 2 exam will take place. Since 3rd period is the shortest class of the day, the exam will be cut in half, meaning you’ll take the first part of your exam on Thursday, and will finish the rest on Friday. Graduation rehearsals will follow right after, with practices being held on Monday, June 4, and on Wednesday, June 6.
Senior dues are also something to remember. As we moved later on in the year, the prices, unfortunately, went up to $125. Paying the senior dues is beneficial to your graduation. Without paying, you won’t be able to participate in any of the end-of-the-year special events, including the graduation ceremony. And speaking of dues, don’t forget to pay any library fines, because if you owe any money to the library you also won’t be able to participate in graduation events.
The All Night Grad Party is happening at the Providence Rec Center, behind the school, from 10:00pm to 4:00am on Thursday, June 7. The All Night Grad Party can normally be described as a really fun and relaxing event to go to, once graduation is over. Music, swimming, casino games, tattoo artists, and many more fun things are said to be set up at the party. As of now, the ticket prices are $40 and will stay that price up until June 6, when it will rise to the door price of $45.
As excited as we are to graduate, staying calm and mindful is just as important as anything else. Don’t let anything stop you from graduating, Senior! The end is near, we’re almost done. Congratulations to the Class of 2018 for surviving the four years of high school, and may you always remember your time here.