Finding Jobs During the Summer
June 6, 2018
Now that school is coming to an end with only one week left for finals, many of you may be wondering what to do for the summer. A great thing to do is to get a summer job. Not sure how to start your search? You can check out the job bulletin binder found in the front office which contains different job offers. You can also speak with Ms. Foster, the school’s Career Center Specialist.
You can also learn about the WIOA Young Adult Program on The WIOA Young Adult Program is available for people aged 17-24. The program helps people who may feel tired from working minimum wage jobs and who want to start a new career. The WIOA Young Adult Program provides job seekers free employment and training services. The program gives you the tools and resources to manage your career. The program also provides One Stop Employment centers. These centers are meant to give anyone why is interested in the program more information about it and how to join. There are different One Stop Employment centers in Northern Virginia including one in Annandale and Alexandria. To be a part of the WIOA Young Adult Program you must first register to see if you’re eligible. The following documents must be brought to the info session: social security card, driver’s license or picture ID card, proof of citizenship/right to work, selective service registration confirmation(if male, 18 or older), veteran status(if applicable), income verification, family size verification, school records, proof of challenges(homeless, foster care, runaway, pregnant/parenting, offender, school drop-out, basic skills deficient, disabled, english language learner), and resume if available.
Here is a list of different jobs available for high school students: babysitter, barista, busser, cashier, delivery driver, dishwasher, dog walker, fast food worker, lifeguard, restaurant host/hostess, waiter/waitress, and many more.
Find the perfect summer job. Have a great and safe summer! See you next year Jags!