Graduating Classes’ Twitter: Are You Following Them?
February 9, 2015
Over the years communication has changed drastically. Social media is a very big reason why this is. Many students follow their class Twitter to get updates and for class pride! They are great during spirit week to get everyone participating and hyped for the pep rally at the end of the week.
The Class of 2015’s Twitter handle is the very clever, @WeMakeH15tory. They have over 150 followers and over 300 tweets. The seniors’ Twitter is very informational while still being full of the FC spirit! Most of their tweets are helpful reminders of all the senior duties they have. They also tweet about their spirit wear and retweet other FC Twitter accounts.

The Class of 2016’s Twitter handle is the very original, @FCgoov16es. This Twitter has hundreds more tweets than any other class Twitter. It also has the most followers of all the class Twitters. The juniors’ Twitter has been very busy in the past month with the reveal of the prom theme. The entire week leading up to the reveal, they tweeted hints of the theme. Go and check out the Twitter to see Prom 2015’s theme and see if you could have guessed the theme by looking at the hints.

The Class of 2017’s Twitter handle is @FCHSclassof17. The sophomores’ Twitter has helpful reminders, but mostly tweets about getting hyped for spirit week and pep rallies. Of all the class Twitters, it has the least amount of tweets at less than one hundred tweets.

The Class of 2018 has yet to establish a Twitter account yet! Hopefully the freshmen class will set up one soon, so they can show their class spirit!
Hopefully after seeing how useful and fun your class Twitter is, you will go and follow it!