Humans of Falls Church #4: The Arts

(All photos taken by Phoebe Cho)

(All photos taken by Phoebe Cho)

Phoebe Cho, Contributing Writer

Steven Pak (Junior: Guitar)

“The first time I took this class at Falls Church was in my freshmen year. The moment the class started and we began playing, I knew I was going to love this class. This would be my 3rd year playing and I have absolutely no regrets. Not only has this class taught me how to read classical music and play modern music, but has built perseverance and hard-working traits as I practice.”

ceceCecilia Nguyen (Freshman: Theatre)

“[Theatre] has always have something I’ve been interested in. I love being on stage and really being able to given an opportunity to step into someone else’s shoes. As an introvert, I am able to step out of who I am and express myself through the character I am on stage. And, yes, I am aiming for a career involved in film and production.”

Prin Kulwatno (Senior: Choir)music

“I love how everyone can collaborate together and how you’re given the chance to sing wonderful music with people that you love being with- I think that’s the main thing.”

“Why should students join next year?”
“I think it’s an opportunity to do something great, you know, there are different clubs, but chorus is so much fun because you are able to read the music you love and also be introduced to new ones.”

artNorina Zeb (Sophomore: Art)
“I took art since middle school. [I took it because] I enjoy painting, and making things out of clay.  I also like that I can express my feelings by using a paintbrush and putting my thoughts onto the paper.”