For the New Year, I Want To…

By Ashley Rodriguez, Staff Writer

Wintertime for Falls Church students calls for snuggling up in bed at home, bingewatching TV shows, and the opening of presents of all shapes and sizes on Christmas morning. Festivities of the season are well on their way, and countless students find themselves coming up with New Year’s resolutions. Jacob Butler (10) is among many that strive to “get all As this semester”. From aspiring to improve performances at school to simply wanting to become a better person, students all around the school have come up with resolutions for the New Year.  With high school comes a lot of responsibility placed into the hands of students. Some students have decided to make up resolutions that deal with ways to ease the pressure they often find themselves under. Many people wish to be more social, surrounding themselves with positive energy. Meghna Vemuri (9) hopes to “procrastinate on school work less, sleep more, and practice dance more.” While plenty have thought of resolutions that have to do with school, others have thought of some associated with extra-curricular activities. Many of the New Year’s resolutions for athletes involve beating their records and achieving personal goals for the season. Daniel Nguyen (9), a member of the track team, wishes to improve his performances in jumping over hurdles. As a member of the swim team, Leo Goldblatt (9) has made clear his resolutions for the New Year. “The resolutions I make are about swimming, like going a certain time so that I’m eligible for a really fast meet. Besides that it’s really just keeping my grades up,” says Leo. Fun resolutions that students at the school have come up with include starting up a personal blog and learning to play the guitar. A few students have decided to take on multiple resolutions for the 2017 school year. “I really want to get better at running, decrease my 500 meter time, take more time to study, travel, try to help someone out each day (school wise or not) to be nicer, and I want to go on more trips with my best friends,” says Sophia Rubeiz (9). As the New Year is off to a great start, students are starting to work towards achieving their resolutions.