Give Thanks This Memorial Day
May 18, 2017
Nowadays, you almost never hear the words “Memorial Day” unless they’re followed by the word “sale”. We should all take advantage of the three-day weekend and come together on Monday, May 29 to remember what the holiday means and celebrate it with close friends and family. Memorial Day, which originated after the Civil War, is a solemn day of remembrance for everyone who has died serving in the American armed forces. Memorial Day falls on the last Monday of May, ensuring a longer weekend and unofficial beginning of summer, mixing serious reflection with more lighthearted fun.
I hope that on this day even for a brief moment, you will hit the pause button and realize that this is not just a day off from work or school, or big sales. You can express your appreciation by attending a Memorial Day event in your area. Some of the largest parades take place in Washington D.C., which is likely a short drive from where you live. You can donate to any of the many local organizations that offer support. You can visit your nearest hospital to interact with a veteran, ask a former soldier about their service, or write to a veteran you may know to show them that their bravery is recognized. A Million Thanks ( is a site that helps you draft and mail letters of support to soldiers overseas. You can also get involved by visiting a site founded by the White House called ( that offers news, updates, resources, and initiatives on how you can help struggling military families. You can create and post projects of your own or sign up with Joining Forces (, an organization where you can volunteer or share a story of support. You can also observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries and memorials. On a less somber note, you can take a weekend trip or throw a party or barbecue and enjoy the fast approaching summer weather. You can even take to social media and use Memorial Day hashtags or simply pause at the 3:00 p.m. local time to honor our fallen.
Every veteran has given something to this country without asking for anything in return. Our fallen heroes chose to put their lives on the line for the sake of our country. Those that demonstrated that what we have in America is much worth defending will forever have my unwavering respect and admiration.