2021 Homecoming Pep Rally: An Afternoon in Pictures
Homecoming festivities resumed with a bang! It was all smiles in the jungle as students and staff gathered in the stadium to compete in competitions, cheer on their class, and show their spirit.
Cheerleaders Logan Henry (11) and Nicole Hogge (11)
Keely Donovan (12) and Zackiri Kith (12) emcee
Kenny Sevart (12) hypes up the Class of 2022
The sophomore Class of 2024 celebrates at their first pep rally after a year of virtual spirit
Shri Bala (9), Samantha Mendoza Hernandez (12), and Harper Tran (11) work on the homecoming float
Jamison Scott (10) and Teymour Mohammed (10) pose on the track
Natalie Derwinski (11), Andie Hirz (11), Sonya Newett (11), and Damierah Walker (11) compete in the So You Think You’re A Jag dance competition
The cheerleaders form a human pyramid with Lucy Boyd (9) on top
Euphonium player Ricky Brown (9) rejoices
James Dapogny (12) and Ayden Arana (12) emcee at the pep rally
The freshman Class of 2025 dances in their first pep rally
Will Shryock (10), Jason Ung (10), Brendan Kane (10), and Jamison Scott (10) show their moves in the dance competition
Luis Antonio Serrano (12) performs his fan-favorite Michael Jackson impression
Andrew Nguyen Tran (12), Kay Lambert (12), and Kenny Sevart flip to victory in the dance competition
Lucas Riedel (9) had the lead in the relay race before the bolt in his bike came loose, causing his bike to break in two. Julian Scott (12) sped ahead after Lucas’ fall and took the relay championship trophy.
The Jagwire is Falls Church High School’s official student-produced newspaper, established as a designated public forum for students to express opinions, discuss issues, and exchange ideas. School officials do not engage in prior review. Views expressed in the The Jagwire reflect those of the student staff and not school officials or the school itself. Signed editorials are the opinions of the writers, while unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board.