Car of the Month: Sean Clary’s Toyota Camry

Car of the Month: Sean Clary’s Toyota Camry

Ed Cochrane, Sports Editor

Sean Clary’s (11) 1996 Toyota Camry is our car of the month for February. It is a modest vehicle but it was hard-earned by the junior who often balances work and school. Sean is a cashier at Wegmans, referrees little league sports, plays baseball for Falls Church, and maintains an A-B average.

He uses the car to do practical things like dropping off his two siblings, driving to work, driving to school, and running errands. It took Sean a while to earn enough to pay for the car but his father offered to chip in. Sean purchased the car for used for $1,100.

Although his father provided most of the money Sean used to buy the car, Sean is responsible for the car’s maintenance, gas money and insurance. “The car gives me independence.  I can go wherever I need to be on my own which gives me more time. Time is everything when you have many responsibilities. I believe having the car gives me more time to do homework, work, and relax.” Sean’s car, although not the flashiest, is a symbol of his independence.