Find Out About Jill Stein, the Green Party Candidate
October 24, 2016
Many people are focused on the main candidates of the 2016 election, Hill- ary Clinton and Donald Trump. However, there are third-party candidates that most voters are not informed about. The Green Party is a third-party political group that believes in certain ideals like social jus- tice, nonviolence, and environmentalism. The Green Party, on their website’s FAQ page, states “that a Green campaign for the White House is an extreme long shot.” Along with that, the Green Party may not be on the ballot in certain U.S. states; they are working hard to change that. However, they believe that there are many sufficient reasons as to why a Green Party candidate would be a good president. A few of those focus on environmentally-friendly ideas such as green jobs, coal plants, and aware- ness of toxic threats are some of those ide- als.
The Green Party’s candidate for the 2016 election is Dr. Jill Stein, a physician, politician, and environmental-health ad- vocate. Stein was also the 2012 Green Party candidate. Stein has been focusing on helping non-profits, serving social ju- stice against societal racism, and advocating for a healthy envi- ronment. Stein was recruited by the Green-Rainbow Party in 2002 to run for Governor of Massachusetts, which began her entrance into the political industry at the electoral level. Stein founded a non-profit in 2003 called the Massachusetts Coali- tion for Healthy Communities. They work to ensure health care, labor rights, and environmental protection in Massachu- setts.
Jill Stein’s running mate, who will in turn become the vice president if Stein is to win, is Ajamu Baraka. Baraka is a human and environmental rights activist. He is the advocate for the Mississippi Worker Center for Human Rights, as well as the World Conference on Racism. He is an editor for the Black Agenda Report as well, and he has written for The New York Times and The Washington Post.
Stein and Baraka are working to appeal to as many peo- ple as they can. One of the ways they do that is by utilizing so- cial media, using #SteinBaraka2016. Some of the tweets under this hashtag include “Americans in 48 states (including DC) can vote #JillNotHill,” or on the negative, “#millennials don’t buy the new narrative,” with an attached picture of Jill Stein that says “go away” under it. But as user @StephieGilley says “The Green Party Is no longer the alternative. The Green Party is the imperative.”