Get to Know the Libertarian Presidential Candidate
October 24, 2016
There’s no question that this has been a presidential election year marked by some of the least favorable candidates in recent mem- ory. Unsurprisingly, voters have been look- ing for other options when it comes to who they want to elect as their new commander in chief. Enter Gary Johnson, the former gover- nor of New Mexico, and the Libertarian pres- idential nominee for the United States. Cur- rently holding about 9% of the vote, Johnson is the most popular of the third-party candi- dates, and a viable alternative from both the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, and the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.
The 63-year-old, North Dakota-born Johnson is outspoken on many issues includ- ing education, immigration, and drugs in America. Some of his policies include abol- ishing the Department of Education, making it easier for immigrants to become citizens, and legalizing marijuana. In the midst of all the bigoted Donald Trump comments con- cerning illegal immigrants, Johnson stated that they were “more law-abiding than U.S. citizens, and that is a statistic.” Perhaps the biggest problem on the Libertarian’s agenda, however, is “the war on drugs”. Johnson said that it would be easier to legalize and regulate marijuana, than make 1.8 million arrests, and spend billions of dollars.
Although it initially might seem like an exciting prospect to vote for a third-party candidate, voters need to keep in mind that there hasn’t been a third-party president yet. This means that the chances of Johnson get- ting elected as president is very slim. On top of that, it is a common belief that a vote for the third-party is a vote for the majority. For example, in some polls, Trump has taken a narrow lead over Clinton, and a vote for Johnson would only increase Trump’s lead. In that scenario, Johnson would be taking votes away from Clinton. A real life example of this could be taken from the 1992 presidential election, featuring George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Texas Independent Ross Perot gained plenty of support throughout his cam- paign, and lost the election with 19% of the popular vote. Bush lost the election with only 37% of the vote, while Clinton won with 43%–a relatively large margin to win by. If Perot had not run all, Bush would have received more votes, and could have even won the election.
With all that in mind, the purpose of this article isn’t to dissuade you from wanting Johnson to be elected. I am sim- ply stating that if you are 18 years old and you are planning on voting for him, edu- cate yourself on all of his issues and policy stands first. Only once you develop your own opinions on the current issues, will it be easier to choose which candidate you most align yourself with.