Safety Pins Offer Safe Havens

Ashley Rodriguez, Staff Writer

From the outbursts of protests all over the country, to the look of complete and utter fear painted on the faces of many minorities, the repercussions of the presidential election have finally caught up with us. Across the country, many have taken post-election matters into their own hands, by protesting and advocating for what they believe in. There are numerous that are still trying to come to grips with what will come of their families and loved ones because of president-elect, Donald Trump. At a time of uncertainty, there are people who have come together and created a movement in hopes of protecting and lifting the spirits of the vulnerable. This movement is known as the safety pin movement.

In the past, safety pins have been known to be used as accessories in the punk movement and to make bold fashion statements. Today, the safety pin is being worn by people wanting to reach out and let minorities, women, immigrants, and members of the LGBT community know that they can confide in them and see them as their own personal safe havens. In my opinion, safety pins aren’t expressing resistance to Donald Trump, but are instead spreading a message against hate and negativity in general. Support for the safety pins has been shown by idols worldwide. American actress Debra Messing voiced her opinion on social media by tweeting, “In a big city like London, or even in a small grocery store, or a coffee shop, we’re all just strangers to one another. It can be difficult for all of us to either reach out for help or offer help. A symbol as simple as a safety pin can be an important first step in showing solidarity and support for people who are scared and upset at this time.” Along with her, countless others, ranging from students to co-workers to teachers, are speaking up in hopes of presenting themselves as allies to those in great worry about what will happen and take place over the course of these next few months.

On Tuesday, November 15, Falls Church Principal, Mr. Nowak delivered an impassioned, pro-kindness message over the loudspeaker, intended for anyone within the school that is feeling unsafe or fearful about what the future holds. The purpose of the few inspiring and heartfelt words is to make known the glimmer of hope present during this period of turmoil for some students that attend Falls Church. Everyone can participate in the safety pin movement and I encourage you to do so too!